Friday, December 28, 2001


I met my friend, Franc and Brian at Dojo's for dinner and then we went to see the film, Amelie. It was a wonderful film which I will purchase the very minute it's released on dvd. The colors, the story, the cinematography was just outstanding. At the end of the film, my friend Franc said, "It was like watching a film about you, Wendy...she sort of dresses like you". I found this interesting because one of the reasons I wanted to see it was because I relate so much to the character...the other reason, of course, is because I'm a Jean Pierre Jeunet groupie! He's my favorite director.

When we left the theatre there was a police van waiting for us as they wanted to give Franc and Brian (and Brian's chiro) a private tour of "ground zero". I took advantage of the ride home and with as much bravery as I could muster, went into the site with them. I spoke with the the cops about that horrible day - we shared our stories, our feelings. I noticed a pile of origami peace cranes on the. corner of the platform where we were standing. Brian's chiro started to cry a bit.

I think he realized that it's much more terrible in person than it is in photos or on tv.